Business Name: Select a unique and legal name.
Legal Structure: Choose the right business format (e.g., LLC, corporation).
Registration: Register the business, obtain an EIN, and secure permits/licenses.
Website Development: We make custom websites that are easy to use and help people find you online.
Social Media Setup & Marketing: We set up social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram for your business to connect with customers and create a community.
Accounting Software: Utilize accounting software like QuickBooks to meticulously track your finances.
Financial Documents: Regularly prepare and review key financial documents such as income statements, profit & loss, and balance sheets.
Customer Service: Handle inquiries and feedback effectively.
CRM Software: We can help you find the perfect software to streamline your business operations. It will handle billing, send emails, create invoices, and manage payments with ease.
Insurance: Get coverage for potential business risks. Our Business Strategy Consulting services help small businesses develop a roadmap for growth.
Our Human Resources Consulting services help small businesses hire and retain employees.